Kepler: A World Beyond
you know this is an interesting discussion your bring up. i've thought it about the coming awareness of other intelligent life in the universe.
you bring up a very good point about how as privileged citizens of an advanced post industrial technological society, we ignore for the most part the plight of our neighbors on earth. whats scary about this is that maybe not so far in the near future, the changes in the global climate may push resource competition to critical levels and cause severe problems around the globe, including for even our country. as a species we may cause our own extinction before we can make it off the planet. thats the scariest thing to me. and whats sad is its very possible this might happen. colonization of mars is far off, although manned missions to mars might come as early as 2040 to 2050. hopefully they can reach those goals.
and as far as other civilizatoins from off earth, its interesting because in what circumstances will they come to earth, or will we meet? will it be peaceful, or based on competition and conflict?
also, what do you think other civilizations from off earth cultures are like? what is their morality like? their art? have they developed better ways to reduce/eliminate human suffering? how are their societies structured? how have they evolved biologically?
a crazy idea, is, what if the off worldly people are human beings, as in homo sapien sapiens. what would that mean? does that mean that maybe we as a species were put here on earth? that maybe these people are from our future? what do you think?
Wow, how thought-provoking! In 1834, when the New York Sun perpetrated its famous "Moon Hoax" about life on the moon, societies organized to send missionaries to the moon. I think you might be on to something in your speculations.